• Start with the Nutrition course, part 1 till 5
    • Watch the videos and take notes when appropriate
    • Write down any question or comment concerning the course
    • Follow the quizz at the end of each part
      • Aim for 80% correct answers
      • If you fall below 80%, watch again the subparts where you need to improve
  • Do not start the part 6 before completing the Immunology course
  • Conclude the final Nutrition course, part 6 once you have completed the Immunology course
    • Watch the video and take notes when appropriate
    • Write down any question or comment concerning the course
    • Follow the quizz at the end
      • Aim for 80% correct answers
      • If you fall below 80%, watch again the subparts where you need to improve
  • An online forum is open so you can gather your questions concerning the lecture and help each other
  • An afternoon of questions and discussion is planned in your schedule to discuss with the teacher about the points of the courses that were unclear to you
Última modificación: miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2017, 08:50